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The Campaign to restore the unions was started in 2022 in order to attempt to restore unions to be more focused on actual working class issues. We feel that over the past 10 years there has been a serious drift in the union movement of Australia away from supporting working class issues and causes and towards representing the bourgeoisie interests instead.


This has been fuelled by the creation of numerous special interest groups such as the Campaign Against Racism & Fascism, who have noisily bullied their way into the forefront of union activism and have brought a toxic style of operating with them, which has alienated the rank and file members of the union movement. The Australian Labor Party as a whole has been detrimentally affected by this shift in focus and policy engagement. This was exposed at its worst during the recent Covid 19 crisis in Australia.


We seek to counter organisations such as CARF, and their neo-liberal agenda, with a return to a more socialist focused version of labour interests.

The Campaign To Restore The Unions condemns the shocking, reactionary privatisation of the Covid 19 response in Melbourne. We stand for health, safety and social solidarity, and oppose neo-liberal profiteering.

We call on everyone who is pro Union, pro Medical Choice and anti-fascist to join the fight against medical fascism that is gaining ground in our cities.

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